
"Pretty is not the rent you have to pay to live in a space marked FEMALE"

Being in the yogic community for a couple years now, I have really come to appreciate beauty. Yoga really teaches us the look at everything and everyone for their unique beauty.
Not that there isn't still some, "Oh what size are your Lulu's?" going on, we are after all human. But mostly the yogic community is built of amazing people big and small, thick and thin; appreciated more for your mastery of body and mind than for what they exactly look like.

Coming across this quote brought the subtle shift in my knowledge and view point to my awareness. I still put on make up everyday, don't like leaving the house without at least some powder and mascara on, even if I'm going to teach! But it's because it's what I want and what make ME comfortable. 

I no longer feel that I must leave the house looking "pretty" just so I can occupy my space as a female.


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