Falling Out of Allignment

Went and saw a chiropractor for the first time today... such a interesting concept... He did basic range of motion test, xrays and then I got a massage.
Basically, I "believe" in chiropractors, I agree with the idea that the spine gets out of alignment which then pushes on nerves and causes other problems and misalignments. I really like that it acknowledges that one thing coming out of balance had a domino effect on everything else.
One (of the many things) that is missing from the "Western medicine" approach is how isolated they see you, your body and your symptoms. I am going on week 14 of "Chronic Sinusitis" and have been prescribed 4 rounds of antibiotics, two rounds of oral Prednisone steroids, two rounds of antibiotic ear drops and three different nasal inhalers. The symptoms persist and I am left wondering and wandering... Is it energetic?
Do I need to speak my truth to someone? Be more honest to myself and others? Express my creativity? Be more open?
Am I just really tired?
Exhaustion leads to a weak immune system which lead to increased sugar and coffee intake which only further bring you out of balance. One imbalance breads more and more...
Where do I even start? I can't stop everything to get myself back to some imaginary midline of balance and serenity.
Hopefully chiropractic adjustments will be a good first step.


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