Last Sunday I received my Level 1 Reiki attunement.
This had been on my mind for quite a while but it had never seemed right. Then a few weeks ago I was introduced to Jona Genova and after receiving just a few moments from her I felt very different, very connected. When she announced she would be offering the training, I knew this was it.
I was right, the training was thoughtfully prepared and eloquently executed. In true Miss Madison fashion, I did not know too much going into it so had really no expectations but I was very pleased with my experience. The attunement ceremony itself was actually short but very powerful.
Now that I have received my Level 1, I can perform Reiki on myself, very close loved ones and pets. Level 2 is in January and that is when I will then be able to heal other people.
Speaking to Jona's integrity and dedication to her practice, she assigns everyone a 21 day meditation and personal practice that is to be completed by the Level 2 certification.
That's a lot of numbers up there... I'm not really a numbers person... I've always been more of a feeler and a writer... numbers aren't my thing.
But the longer I practice, the more appreciation I have for the importance of numbers and patterns in our lives.
I have also always been more of an inspiration person.
Which is to say I lack discipline.
I wait for inspiration to strike then I take big, broad powerful and often short lived action. Never forcing myself to do something I don't feel is 'right' aka always having an excuse.
But the longer I practice, the more appreciation I have for strong, steady, stable action in our lives. The truly great power that comes from daily, steady discipline. Of bringing ourselves to that task at hand, day after day, regardless of feeling or situation.
Many of the physical postures that are now a regular part of my practice, were not results of sudden bursts of inspiration. They usually were not even goals or efforts in the first place. Most have been unearthed and discovered slowly, inconspicuously over time.
So as I approach the next 21 days of my life, I try to approach it from this same space. Try to release my expectation of what each day, each meditation should look like or where I think I am suppose to be and just do it! Just be present. Witness what actually happens.
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